Selma - An adventure from the Edge of the World tells the amazing story of the crew of Polish yacht S/Y “Selma Expeditions”, and their voyage to the most challenging waters in the world. Eleven crewmembers take on the heroic challenge of reaching The Bay of Whales in the Antarctic. They spent almost 4 months in close quarters of a small yacht to reach the southernmost spot on the marine map of the world. It is a tale of outstanding personalities, expansion of personal limits, and endurance. Honorable Mention - Mountain Nature Adventure Film Festival 2023. Exploration Award - International Ocean Film Festival 2022. Best Adventure Award - Nanshan Mountain Film 2021. Audience Award - Cervino CineMountain Festival 2021. Best Polish Movie & Audience Award - Moc Gór Mountain Spirit Festival 2020. Online Audience Award - Ladek Mountain Festival 2020. Best Feature Film - FICMUS 2020. Official Selections 2023: Dana Point, Thunder Bay International Film Festival. Official Selections 2022: Travel Fest Albania, International Ocean Film Festival. Official Selections 2021: Trento Film Festival, Ulju Mountain Film Festival, Mezinárodní Horolezecký Filmový Festival. Official Selections 2020: Kendal Mountain Film Festival, Nordic Adventure Film Festival, Sail In Festival, Adrenalinium Mountain Festival, Krakow Mountain Film Festival.